Can you interpret a line chart?

As one of my faithful readers you already know about Sean Callahan, co-founder of I've written about him and his company from time to time on this site and, just today, I found a line chart on that I'd like to share with you. So, would you, my brightest and best, please tell me how to interpret this simple chart (click on picture to enlarge)?
  • red line = (tweetphoto's largest competitor)
  • blue line = (twitpic's largest competitor)
What do you see? Do you see the same thing I do?
For a hint, check what I wrote here a few short months ago (Dec 2009):
"It doesn't take long to realize that tweetphoto is trending upward and gaining ground on its behemoth competitor, twitpic. Twitpic entered the twitter photo sharing scene early and gained a first mover advantage; however, they've lost a bit of ground recently while tweetphoto has steadily increased activity..."
Go, Sean, Go!

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