I learned about gDiapers today and spent some time dinking [yes, pun intended] around on their website. In my dinking, I came across their Fair Dinkum page . Now, I must say that I've never heard of this Australian term before, but I really like it. Here's an excerpt from their page:
Fair Dinkum is an Australian expression that means being genuine and real with everyone you encounter. Well put. That is our philosophy toward our business, our people and the planet.We've been talking about the concept of Cradle to Cradle and creating products that last a lifetime in our Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship course at Cal State San Marcos. It was certainly encouraging to read about gDiapers and discover that they've recently secured more funding in an effort to further build their business.
Congrats to the husband and wife team of Jason and Kim Graham-Nye, founders of gDiapers. What a great success story.
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